What's The 10% Rule?

Did you know that every month you don't contact your customers you lost 10%

of them? It's what I call the 10% rule...

That's right. Test results have proven it. It doesn't matter what you sell, if you don't keep in front of your prospects you will lose them eventually.

So if you don't send a letter, postcard, or make a phone call (maybe even e-mail), your prospects and clients will forget about you and they will move on to someone else for their insurance or planning needs.

Keeping in contact with every old lead, prospect and current customer pays off. It keeps your name in front of them. And if you are writing your pieces properly and marinated them with interesting content (newsletters), they won't go anywhere else for their insurance and planning needs and you'll get more referrals.

If you really want to maximize response to your list, you have to maintain it. And that doesn't mean just keeping proper addresses. It means you have to farm it and cultivate it. Otherwise your response rates will be much lower.

Direct marketing is alive and well my friend. The big mail houses and direct marketing companies wouldn't spend millions on expensive copywriters, printing, and postage if it was.

The naysayers...I can hear them now: "I tried direct mail and it didn't work". Any time a direct mail piece doesn't work is because the person who designed and mailed it made one or more major mistakes. More on this some other time.

Don't know where to start? Forget about calling the underwriters for an hour or two and pick up the phone and call your best clients. And when you are done with that, write a simple letter to your old prospects and dead leads.

Not getting referrals? Want more? Contact your old prospects and current clients at least once per month with a combination of: E-mail, direct mail, seminars, dinners, lunches, and the old telephone.

Just do something and maybe something amazing will happen!

Start With Postcards: http://www.leadstampede.com/pms.htm


My Very Best To You,

Brian Maroevich
Author, Product Developer, Great Guy To Know.



© 2005 www.Insurance-Leads-Advisor.com

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