The Secret To Finding Out What Your Clients Really Want

I am about to reveal one of the most powerful strategies in marketing.

It's a strategy that is simple to implement, but the benefits and rewards of implementing this strategy are enormous.

Before I reveal this strategy, let me ask you a question. Do you know what your prospects and clients want? Do you really know -- with 100% certainty?

If you answered yes, then you must be doing very well in your business.

Once you know what your clients and prospects really want your marketing becomes much easier. Because if you know with 100% certainly what your clients and prospects want and you gear your marketing messages to address what they want, you'll be closing sales and generating leads by the bus load.

Sadly, most agents and planners don't take the time to find out what their customers really want. They assume they know. These agents and planners are not doing well. Some are desperate, others are just getting by.

So let me ask you, do you really know what your clients and prospects really want?

Here's how to find out...

Have your clients and prospects fill out a survey. That's right! Ask them anything you want, and reward them for filling it out. I guarantee you will find out all kinds of things you didn't know about your clients AND yourself, IF you do it right. And if you act upon the results you will reap rewards greater than you can imagine.

In the next week you should sit down and create a survey for your clients to fill out. Mail it to all of them. Send a follow up mailing to non responders.

Don't even think about it and delay. Just do it.

By the way, as you know, I've been hammering you about creating a monthly newsletter for your clients and prospects. The reasons are laid out for you in the newsletters (scroll down to see the back-issues) and in the articles on the website. A survey is a good way to start out, and you can put a question on the survey asking if they would like a copy of your NAME OF NEWSLETTER (and make it a good name) sent to them once per month.

There are all kinds of ways to use surveys to generate new business. And it's fun to find out what your really DON'T KNOW about your clients.

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My Very Best To You,

Brian Maroevich
Author, Amazing Prospecting Letters

© 2005

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