Thank You For Completing The Survey!

To show my appreciation, I would like to offer you a discount on my newest insurance and financial planning letter templates...

  • Life Insurance Marketing Letter Template ($49.00 Value)
  • Annuity Marketing Letter Template ($49.00 Value)
  • Long Term Care Marketing Template ($49.00 Value)
  • Financial Planning Letter Template ($49.00 Value)

If you bought them separately you would pay $68.00 at the current discounted price (which ends soon). But I want to give them all to you for just $19.99 as a special 'thank you' for taking the time to complete the survey.

If you want to take advantage of this discount you must do so today. You will not see this page again. You can download and view them instantly on your computer now...

Click Here To Take Advantage
Of This One Time Discount

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Format: Microsft Word and Publisher
(a version of each letter is in both programs)

"It is not often that you will come across the marketing skills and savvy that Brian possesses. I know because I have spent many profitable years as a marketing consultant and expert for the biggest and most famous copywriters in the country. Just a few names you may recognize are Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, Ken Kerr, Brian Kay, and many many more."

Carl Galletti, AZ.

These letters are the perfect supplement to this insurance letter templates program (because their sales/prospecting letters are weak at best, but the rest of their letters are very useful).

Here's why should take advantage of this offer now: These letters where written by a top copywriter with years of experience working and marketing in the insurance and financial planning arena. You would pay at least $1200 per letter if you hired the copywriter to write them for you. But you are getting them at a deep deep that it makes me queasy. Really.

So why am I offering you these letters at such a ridiculous price? Because I really am thankful that you filled out the survey, for one. And secondly, your answers will help me improve my website content and product creation. That's it. So it's really a win win!

These letters are excellent because they are well written, and all you have to do is put your contact information in them, and you'll make a minor tweaks to product information (which is negligible), and that's it! You are ready to send them to your printer. It's as easy as that.

These letters also come with a return reply format that you should include in your letter. In addition, some of the letters have a lead generator to boost response, built in. You will supply a guide or report which is offered in the letter...but you don't have to! I highly recommend it, but it's not necessary. You can just delete it.

If you don't have a guide or report ready to mail or hand deliver to your prospect contact me after you order and I'll show you how to get one without writing, and for a small fee.

The Hard Work Has Been Done For You!

All the hard work is done for you! Copywriting is THE most difficult skill in the marketing world, and it's all laid out for you in these letters. You just have to tweak them, print, and mail.

Click Here To Take Advantage
Of This One Time Discount

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My Very Best To You,
Brian Maroevich

Disclaimer: The income statements results, and examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same results. Each individual's success will be determined by his or her desire, dedication, knowledge, background, effort and motivation to work, follow the plan and other factors beyond our control. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize in any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.