Secrets Of Insurance Yellow Pages Advertising

Apply direct marketing strategies to your yellow pages advertising efforts (correctly), and you are likely to generate high quality leads for your business.

Doing business in the yellow pages can be a successful endeavor, and there is plenty of opportunity within its pages. The reason there is opportunity is because most business don't know what is effective marketing in the yellow pages and doing business in the yellow pages.

They make the mistake of listening to the yellow pages advertising rep and design ads around their suggestions. This is a major mistake.

It's not because the advertising rep is malicious, they are simply relaying what they have been trained to do.

Here are the basics...

Yellow pages marketing rule number 1. Use headlines in your ad copy. Not the name of your company as the headline. This alone will dramatically enhance response to your yellow pages lead generation advertising.

Yellow pages advertising rule number 2. Write with your customers needs and wants in mind. Not what you think they want. Use 'you', and not 'we' in your ad copy.

Yellow pages advertising rule number 3. Use a lead generation method in your ad copy.

Use an option to call your 24 hour voicemail (free recorded message) to capture leads and to get people who don't want to speak with a sales person to leave their name and high quality lead).

These are just three rules to follow in your yellow pages advertising efforts. And they alone will increase your lead and selling efforts.

Imagine if you got a steady flow of new phone calls and leads from prospects who are interested in your services. This can happen if you know how to create winning yellow pages lead generation advertising that works.

If you want to learn how to do business in the yellow pages and generate leads, I recommend using the yellow pages marketing tips and secrets in these two Special Reports...

Special Report #1: Get Qualified Prospects Calling You! Reveals the hidden profit center in Yellow Pages Advertising. What everyone knows about but doesn't have a clue how to use effectively. You'll stand out from the crowd and get calls from prospects who are ripe and ready for your financial services while everyone else is wondering how you do it. $19.95:

Special Report #2: How To Grow Your Insurance And Financial Planning Practice With Effective Lead Generation Ads! Generate qualified leads using these powerful direct marketing secrets that almost no agent or planner understands! $19.95:

You can get them both for for just $39.90 $29.95:

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My Very Best To You,

Brian Maroevich

© 2005-2008

Yellow pages advetising and doing business in the yellow pages is much more effective whe you apply street smart, professional direct marketing techniques into your yellow pages advetising. Direct response marketing is about creating effective ads and measuring results. It's not theory and ideas that don't work. It's science. Apply it today to your yellow pages advetising...all your advertising...and you'll see a huge turn around in your client acquisition efforts.