Discover How To Get 2 Free Insurance Marketing Courses and Free Insurance Leads!

Free Insurance Marketing Courses and Free Leads? Yes. Read this entire article for details...

I am excited and nervous! Here's why: This is my most generous offer I've made in over 15 years of professional marketing and consulting --

Here's the deal: I want to send you two of my best insurance and financial planning courses simply for buying 10 insurance leads (or more) from Insureme.

InsureMe leads are excellent, especially in the life, health, and homeowner insurance arena. Read a review of InsureMe here and then come back.

Here Are The Two Free Insurance Marketing Courses You Will Receive:

An Even Better Deal!

In addition I will include more free insurance marketing course material:  two new lead generation insurance advertisements that you can use in your marketing and lead generation efforts, valued at $99.00. You can use them as display ads, postcards, or even online to generate your own leads (you'll have to tweak them for online uses)...

Wait...There's More!

InsureMe has a special offer going right now where they will buy your first 10 leads for you (they may end it at anytime so don't delay). Or in other words, you'll get 20 leads for the price of 10! AND if you qualify, you will get my free insurance marketing material... This is an awesome deal that you shouldn't pass up, even without my own bonus marketing material.

How To Qualify

If you have not purchased leads from InsureMe before then you qualify for their bonus insurance leads offer AND my bonus free insurance marketing courses and bonus lead generation ads. You just have to do one thing...

All you have to do is order 10 insurance leads or more from this link and send your welcome email/receipt from InsureMe to brian(AT) (with "Bonus Marketing System" in the subject line). Once you do this and we verify your order with Insureme I'll give you your unique download link to the ARMS material and the 2 additional (Killer) lead generation advertisements absolutely FREE.

2 Simple Steps:

Let me run through steps so you are sure to get your bonus free insurance marketing course material and free insurance leads:

  1. Buy at least 10 leads through this link.

  2. Send your welcome email to brian(AT) (with "Bonus Marketing System" in the subject line), and after we verify your order we will send you the ARMS course, 21st Century Lead Generation, and the two new insurance advertisements FREE!

The insurance lead generation advertisements alone are worth much more than $99. If you hired me to write these insurance advertisements (also can be financial planning lead generation ads) you would pay in the neighborhood of $1250.00. And the ARMS material has about 30 times more insurance and financial advisor marketing material! You can't lose on this...

To Your Success!
Brian Maroevich

PS: My marketing bonuses will not be available for long. But if you act now -- today -- you're guaranteed to get it all simply for buying 10 InsureMe leads through this link (and they are going to give you an additional 10 leads for getting on board -- 20 leads for the price of 10!) Read the directions above to get your bonus material for F.R.E.E.!

Full Disclosure: I will receive a commission when you order through my link above (10 leads or more).

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