Finding good quality disability insurance leads can be a difficult task.
And when you do get a disability sales lead it can be hard to close. The sales cycle can be lengthy.
So your best bet is to keep the disability leads constantly flowing in so that you don't have to worry about one or two disability leads not closing this week because you've got 3 or 4 more that will.
Best Disability Leads and Marketing Companies:
Here are two simple but effective techniques to generate disability insurance leads.
THE best sources of new business is your client base.
My favorite technique is to stay in contact with my clients both on the phone and through the mail with a monthly newsletter.
On the phone I do not talk about business. It's about them. Maybe it's a birthday, graduation, etc. that we discuss. But it's not about insurance, and it's not about asking for referrals.
If we have lunch or dinner, I might ask for referrals. But it depends on the situation.
I like to let my customers decide without pressure...
Your best disability insurance leads may come through a direct mail newsletter. Read this insurance newsletter article. I also wrote for Agent Sales Journal on newsletters which I can email to you if you like (you'll need adobe acrobat to read it: )
Using this newsletter disability marketing technique can produce all kinds of leads and referrals if you are consistent with it.
Keep your newsletter fun and entertaining. A good example is in Postcard Marketing Secrets. A very important tip in writing your newsletter is to avoid being boring at all costs. And the insurance industry is notorious for that.
Keep it entertaining. But also throw in very informative information. This is key in generating disability leads.
Insert a referral sheet every other month, or every quarter. This referral sheet can be very a powerful disability insurance lead generator. It will build your newsletter list and provide highly qualified disability insurance leads at the same time.
Mail this newsletter to everyone on your list. Even old leads, whether they are long term care leads, life leads, or even property casualty clients.
Every month you can write about several topics, or just about one. You decide.
For example, the topic of the month might be on disability. No. Don't talk about disability insurance. Talk about case studies on businesses and/or employees. Talk about ways of funding a disability insurance policy, and so on. But keep in interesting. Case studies and success stories are a good way to relay information.
Also include quizzes and contests to keep your audience involved. Involvement is very important in generating disability insurance leads (or leads for any product for that matter.)
Another way to generate leads is to insert a separate information request form. Do not include it with the referral request form. On this form you will collect information on what it is they want to know more about and if they want someone to call them.
TIP: Change the colors of the referral request insert and the information request insert so that they get used to identifying each over time. This way you will train your audience on what forms are for what, and you'll get disability insurance leads from these folks over time.
Just get creative with your newsletter and the insert sheet and you'll see all kinds of qualified disability insurance leads flowing through your agency.
Of course, you don't have to focus on disability leads. You can also market other products and services this way to. It's a great lead generation tool, and you'll be surprised at how great the results can be.
You don't have to write a lengthy newsletter either. Even just two pages is good. Our real estate agent sends out a newsletter every month and it's only one page. But people read it because it's entertaining and interesting. I don't recommend a one pager the way he does it because it's all crammed into one page. 4 pages would be good.
Better quality disability insurance sales leads and referrals are waiting in your client base!
Brian Maroevich
Amazing Prospecting Letters
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Exclusive Disability Insurance Leads Instantly.
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