HSA Marketing Tips And Strategies!

HSA marketing is a great alternative to marketing regular health insurance.

Health savings accounts (HSA's) have become quite the buzzword for individuals and small business owners. Small business owners are inspired when they hear about the advantages to employees and the enormous savings they can achieve by switching from regular health insurance to the Health Savings Account health plan.

The hsa marketing advantages are significant compared to health insurance lead generation because there is not nearly as much competition, and you can leverage off of the recent buzz in the hsa press.

For example, recently Whole Foods switched their health insurance plan over to a health savings plan and they discovered that it had intangible and tangible employee benefits (you can use that story in your health savings account marketing). For example, it gave more control over to their employees in terms of finding the best deals on their health care when they would simply go the doctor without doing any research or negotiating on health care prices with a regular health insurance plan. Now they shop around to find the best deal.

HSA marketing can be fairly simple, but the benefits are that you can find yourself buried in hsa leads.

Your first area to marketing health savings accounts should be to your current client base (and then ask for referrals. That's easy and this will keep you busy. You can call your clients or send a direct mail piece (a newsletter with postcard follow up is recommended. Or send a series of letters and/or postcards).

If you have an email list, you should incorporate it into your offline marketing. Do not just send an email. I know it's cheap and easy but nothing is 'touches' your client more effectively than direct mail. So do all of the above and you'll be glad you did (Side Bar: Get a hsa lead generation website created or put a new lead generation page about your hsa plan and direct traffic to it).

What Do You Say In Your Health Savings Account Marketing?

Before you decide what to say in your hsa marketing piece, focus on who your target market is. Are you targeting individuals? Are your clients individuals or are they small business owners? These are important questions to answer. Then you can go about writing your marketing piece.

The most important part of your health savings account marketing piece is the headline. Up to 90% of your hsa marketing pieces effectiveness will be based upon the headline. So I will give you some ideas on that alone and then you can take it from there.

Bad hsa headline:

"ABC Agency HSA Plan Advantages"

Better hsa headline:

How To Save 40% - 50% On Your Health Insurance!

Better hsa marketing headline 2:

Health Plan Slashes $1850 -- Or More -- Off Your Taxes And Medical Expenses Become Tax Deductible!

If you are targeting business owners change it to fit your audience. Also, a simple 'Attention Small Business Owners:' right before the main headline might be worth a test.

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Note: These headlines are for informational uses only. Use these headlines at your own risk. They have not been tested in has marketing tests or fact checked.